The 20% ”ratio” we utilize for our Certificate program is an industry Standard measurement that many Salon/Spa businesses employ. It is intended as a training tool to help our students prepare for what they may experience in the workplace after graduation. 

The Certificate is also a great companion to your resume when you are applying for Salon/Spa jobs, as it tells the hiring manager that you already have a skill set that is VERY desirable.

The “Sales to service ratio” = The dollar amount of the products you sell compared to the dollar amount of the Services you provide

EXAMPLE: If a Student performs $1000 in public salon services while in school, they would need to have sold $200 in product as well to hit the 20% “Sales to Service” ratio needed for the certificate.


Guest Vision provides an ongoing report showing the exact ratio % calculations for each student (so there’s no guessing on our part). It is what we use to determine eligibility for the certificate at the end of each student’s time here.

Things that can affect your ratio:

  • The higher your Service dollar amount, the more product dollars you need to hit the ratio. Avoid comparing yourself to your classmates, as every single student’s service dollar amounts and their product sales dollar amounts will be different.
  • It’s easier to hit the 20% ratio here at school because our services are cheaper than normal, but our retail products are set to match online (and public salon) pricing.
  • It isn’t about how many “items” you sell, it is about the “dollar amount” of those products. For example; a student could sell 3 expensive products and have a better “product dollar amount” than a student that sold 6 less expensive products.

Our hope is that a Student’s commitment to learning the art of selling products to their clients while here in school, translates directly to a student being able to produce more income in the Beauty industry workplace.

Please reach out to any Instructor or Admin if you have any questions



No obligation…..just information